target women: the best thing to happen to lady friends everywhere

My recently honed obsession with Current and more specifically, Infomania has lead me to a place I’ve been before: lounging in front of Langston (my black MacBook. Appropriate? He was named after the man, obviously. The black man. If you didn’t know who I meant.) and watching old segments of Target Women. Sarah Haskins, who is no longer with the Infomania crew, is basically what all those Jezebel broads have been wanting all their life. I actually was first introduced to Target Women while I was still (unwisely) reading Jezebel, and I was unimpressed. So coming back to Sarah Haskins and her lady wisdom, and then creepily laughing out loud in a room by myself to said wisdom, was a real treat.

This is a segment devoted to what Haskins calls “rape fables.” Here’s to the ridiculousness of commercials aimed at women! And also remember: “Someone is always lurking outside planning to rape you.” I mean, I know that’s true for me.


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